Saturday, October 21, 2017

8 Foot Fences

Stephen Paddock, the mass murderer, wanted high fences so his neighbors could not see him, and they fought through public officials to prevent him from building an high fence.

When people are loners, or just want privacy or just not to see obnoxious or nosy neighbors, they want to build a fence between the two properties. Often they want to build 8 feet high to give them more privacy, but local ordinances limit the height to 6 feet. As a loner that has built privacy fences to keep joiner, hostile neighbors at bay, I wish that people could build 8 foot fences because it would help keep discriminating, bossy, snoopy quarrelsome joiner neighbors at bay, and help the loner enjoy his home and yard in peace and quiet, and so his home is his safe haven. It would prevent fighting from escalating into open war, even violence. Better a cold peace than the police being called.

Several people have informed me that there is one bad neighbor in every neighborhood that no one likes or can get along with.  The majority of these unpleasant people might be unpleasant joiners, disliked by other neighbors that have formed a clique, but I doubt it is so in most situations.

'More likely this unpopular, unpleasant neighbors that fights with everyone is a loner among joiners, and they clumsily, socially discriminate against him, not even realizing what they are doing. Where loners meet joiners, clashes inevitably erupt, and joiners are everywhere, and in the great numerical majority, so loners have a tough row to hoe. What percentage of these neighborhood disputes arise from individuals fighting groupists surrounding and harassing him?

We need to be able to build 8 foot fences until groupists neighbors are socialized to leave individualists alone if quiet and peace, until they are ready to be social for awhile again.

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