Saturday, October 14, 2017

Girls To Be Admitted To The Boy Scouts

I guess I do not mind that girls are in boys' clubs or vice versa. What is diabolical about this is that the Left is attacking Western culture and American culture on a thousand fronts at one time. They aim to wipe out the European, Western, Caucasian and American values altogether. Our culture is dying the death of a thousand cuts. The wickedness, rage and hatred by the Left of all things Western is shocking and alarming. These grim, cheerless and unhappy people want a socialist dictatorship and all liberty gone. That is the only solution they have. If they can indoctrinate our children in school to hate their tradition, flag and anthem, they win. If they blur the gender lines between girls and boys, then without gender, there can be no individual core upon which to build a personal life of liberty, prosperity and happiness. That is why they want girls in boys clubs. It has little to do with gender equality, the ruse under which they inflict collective tyranny upon society. We conservatives much fight back hard and loud and long to regain control of America.

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