Tuesday, October 31, 2017

John Hawkins


This columnist, maybe for townhall wrote an article that was posted online on 10/29.2017 entitled "the 6 big ways liberals are destroying americas culture."

I want to analyze and comment on this important article. Hawkins notes that America use to push freedom responsibility, decency, patriotism and hard work. These are all great values for maintaining any civil society.

1. The politicization of everything:

My response: It is true. They are attacking the culture, attacking our standards. By politicizing everything, they make every aspect of our private, individual lives of freedom constantly subject to scrutiny, review, censor and correction by the thought police, intellectuals, bureaucrats and humorless college kids. When nothing is private and spontaneous, and all is under constant public review, scrutiny and regulation, there is no diversity of opinion, no individuality left, and no private life. All are puppets on the strings of the state in this burgeoning Ameritopia, which is really the Soviet Union in 1952.

2. Political Correctness:

My response: Again it is to intimidate alternative thinkers, dissidents and those exercising their free speech rights to be intimidated, silenced, driven under ground and made to conform.

Tell them to go pound sand.

3. Victimhood:

My response: Everyone wants to be a victim. They can claim to be offended and demand that others apologize, compensate, grovel and offer reparations for an offense that they never gave.  The self-identifying victims want power over all. They want to hold the whip hand of the federal bureaucrat to control and browbeat millions of people.

Mavellonialists are legitimate victims. They just want legal protection against discrimination and police protection against violent attackers. Beyond that they will make it on their own and they do not want to wear victimhood as a club to gain power over others.

Hawkins notes that conservatives today feel strong, capable and able to handle their own problems, refusing to be victims.

4. Liberal Feminism: Hawkins notes that feminism is universally accepted. So, radical or liberal feminists went crazy bring up man-hating and victimization against patriarchy and rape.

My response: There is little effective racism against blacks anymore. There is little successful misogyny against women anymore. Most new doctors and lawyers are women. Are they still held back in graduate school? Blacks should not hate whites and radical feminists should not hate men. White males are part of the race. If black and women individuate, they will have all they need, and their leaders can quite trying to grow their causes by attacking whites and males.

5. Tribalism: Hawkins notes that all are relegated to identity groups of all hating all, none able to leave their group, nor understand anyone outside their group, and so on. They can no longer share the values and goals of their neighbors, so we cannot unite and make one out of many (E pluribus unum).

My response: The Left promotes tribalism and identity politics because these groupist concepts grow groupism, Statism, factionalism, fighting and the arrival on the scene of an uncivil society. Where most adults were to maverize, tribal competition would wither away. Nothing builds unity and builds one out of many like millions of individualist following their own self-interest on steroids.

6. Non-Judgmentalism: There is a loss of moral absolutism to guide the citizens to acknowledge that one action is wrong, and another action is right, period. Liberals are moral relativists, and encourage all to judge none, and Hawkins describes this has mired our culture in degeneracy.

My response: my moral moderatness is not the same as moral relativism. Nor is it non-judgmental. I urge that we always judge the act, while letting God alone judge the actor.

Hawkins is brilliant. He has identified Leftist tactics used to destroy America. Nice job.

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