Sunday, February 18, 2018


Historically, the Second Amendment was about the citizens being armed so that the government could not turn on them and enslave them. American business people, farmers and workers were armed with muskets and single-shot weapons that enabled them to stand up the most powerful monarchy in the world at that time.

 We have a right to bear arms to defend ourselves against a despotic government, for pleasure, to hunt, to target shoot, to defend ourselves and our families against criminals, crazy people and terrorists and foreign invaders. We have a right to bear arms just for the heck of it, and that right is for teachers and non-teachers alike. If you are gun-averse, and want nothing to do with them, fine. Progressives should not and must not be allowed to infringed up the right to bear arms for the rest of our citizens.

Our weapons may be more sophisticated now, but our 1791 reasons for exercising our right to bear arms has not changed. Note that most of the world is comprised of countries that are dictatorships. Do the people in those coutries exercise an untrammeled right to bear arms? No.

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