Monday, February 12, 2018

Under Attack

Chris and Benn Dorr just put out a 30 minute video explaining how manipulative, deceitful and fabricated is a letter put out by RINO state legslators--including leaders of the Senate and House--denouncing the Dorrs and Minnesota Gun Rights as out for money and run by Iowans from out of state.

The Republicans run both the House and Senate here and yet we cannot for 2 years get the Stand-Your-Ground and Constitutional Carry bills passed, though they have the votes. Let Dayton veto it, if passed, and that is our litmus test in fall, 2018 on every state legislator, Republican or Democrat.

RINOS on the state level do not want full gun rights and full gun liberty for its citizens. deep down, legislators are all progressives, and betray and do not do the bidding of those that sent them to the Capitol.

We must back the Dorrs and become individuated supercitizens, and then here in Minnesota and anywhere we will have full gun rights and constitutional conservatism as the law of the land.

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