Monday, March 5, 2018

The Lie

The Left lies to the people all the time. One of their favorite big lies is to claim that the NRA is a business lobby group owned by the gun manufacturing companies. Actually, it is a gun-rights, citizens' lobby with 5 million members that love guns, love liberty and are fighting to preserve the Constitution, the 2nd Amendment and all the other Bill of Rights, all of which are inconvenient to the Left that conspires and strives endlessly to push these rights and liberties aside.

The American people are not buying it anymore. They see through the lie. The post-Parkland push by the Left to bind, register and confiscate guns is failing, backfiring. Membership in the NRA is soaring. The Progressives are doing for the NRA what Obama did for gun sales.

Keep lie--you keep apathy on the right down and out.

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