Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Identity Politics Is Not Egoistic

Individuals are all born basically wicked and born racist, feeling superior to and hostile to any at all different from ourselves in faith, language, skin color, etc.

As individuals individuate and pursue their enlightened self-interest, they are indifferent to the ethnic differences between themselves and other people, members of some politically defined identity group. Ethically, they have transcended hating anyone, because they love themselves, and no longer hate anyone else. Bigotry at is roots come from self-loathing. When one no longer hates the self, one no longer needs to hate anyone else; thus racism disappears.

To further divide the American public into myriad identity groups is a progressive aim of high priority. If people can be degraded and reduced to nonindividuating group-livers, wards of Big Government, trapped and miserable and enslaved inside their assigned identity group, bigotry and hatred will grow and grow. As discord and strife increase and ratchet up, racial war is not  unfathomable.

Identity politics accentuation is the cruelest and most savage game played by the Left in America today.

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