Saturday, October 19, 2019

Jeremiah Hoffer

The dire warnings, from 40 or more years ago, to fellow Americans, to be on guard against and to push back aggressively and immediately against the extremely dangerous, tyrannical, cunning, effective, predatory, collectivist and idealistic crusade launched by Progressive intellectuals, hellbent on overthrowing, transforming and destroying all things American,  were repeatedly issued in writings and articles, from that Jeremiah (Eric Hoffer), that ancestral guardian and protector of the American state and its culture and way of life. Whether conservatives acknowledge who awakened them or not, his warnings seem to be being heeded.

Whether the voters, citizens and intellectuals in the Conservative movement now, in October, 2019, are united enough, alert enough, alarmed enough or powerful enough to halt spreading Ameritopianism and its complete victory, remains to be seen. It is very late and many are still tepid, RINO, asleep or straddling the fence. Leftists have morphed into a mass movement. These true believers are red hot in conviction, without doubt or hesitation as to what to think and propose, and how to move forward. They are committed, united and willing to sacrifice all and say and do anything, to sell their souls and violate their own principles, all in service to their cause, their god, the secular state.

Hoffer's thesis is that what made America great and exceptional was its Anglo-Saxon heritage of admiring intellectuals and elites without granting them political power. Pet them, pay them, cosset them but keep their hands off the reins of power and governance.We saw what happened with Obama when a Marxist dictator had the reigns of power, and about two more Democrat Presidents even worse than he was, and Ameritopia will be the collectivist tyranny that every Leftie intellectual will swoon over and die to be part of its ruling class, directing and bossing its cowed, disarmed and subjugated masses.

I have some proposals on how Conservatives in America can defang and then keep marginalized and powerless, the Marxists intellectuals and elite types drooling to rule the people here

1. Let us educated the masses as never before. We need to privatize and deinstutionalize our schools, so that students learn to self-educate as active participants manage their own learning careers, rather than serving as passive little robots and bureaucrats, group-living socialists and cogs in institutional hierarchies that stifle and crush their love of learning and love of life itself. Teachers should be facilitators that get out of the way, rather than crushing the child's ambition to learn, grow and wonder. There is much wasted power in schoolmasters and schoolmistresses loving to break and deaden children into little marionettes now doomed to serve the state for life as its minions and true believers.

As children are trained to self-actualize as individuated and individuating anarchists, loving liberty and power-wielding as they run their own lives, as adult citizens, as maverized supercitizens, this educated electorate will be so informed, involved and asserting their sovereign will as the bosses of politicians and burueacrats running and administrating government on whatever level, that this informed, hyper-engaged citizenry will run things, and keep the constitutional republic operating and self-perpetuating as the the originalist entity that the Founders envisioned.

This highest quality of citizens is the best protection against an aspiring group of intellectuals or other kinds of elitists, craving to impose their vision and ilk of tyranny upon the American masses.

2. Deinstitutionalize society. Small institutions, big individualists. Limited government, big voters, individuators that are anarchized and yet united under a federal and legal umbrella. Such power-loving and power-wielding, fiercely independent, armed, presumptuous citizens will little tolerate or long endure before unseating (peacefully or otherwise) elites in government, the military, the press, the church, in Hollywood, in business corporations, in Academia, etc.

3. To make Americans strong as sturdy citizens, we must emphasize individualism, private property rights, free marketeering and a cherished insistence upon maximum personal liberty expressed and enjoyed by each individual in society as their natural right, while agreeing that ordered liberty requires that the natural and legal rights of other citizens be protected and guaranteed by the federal and more local governments.

Of deemphasized or of lesser importance are concepts of collective rights, communal property ownership, socialist economics, fraternity, equality of outcome--all of which are to be assessed and enforced by a massive federal government intruding into and holding sway over every aspect of private life.

4. The federal government must exist, be powerful, effective but quite intentionally limited in size and reach. Most of what goes on in America must be without unconstitutional government involvement. In the realms of civil society, individual pursuit of life, property, liberty and happiness are best expressed and explored. Let the free markets reign supreme.

5. We cannot  be a constitutional republic that lasts without a virtuous citizenry willing to make the laws and then to faithfully obey legitimate, reasonable, majority-ruled and constitutional laws ruling the society and its people.

God and the Good Spirits, or whatever good deity that each citizens desires to worship and follow, will instruct and imbue its adherents with the requisite moral character and love of love itself and spiritual goodness, basic and essential characteristics enabling its possessors to live in society and to run society as the virtuous paragons that will keep America free, traditional and thriving as a republic.

6. As self-actualized supercitizens, the average American would demand from others and offer to others from himself a firm commitment to tolerate the legal ways, behaviors and speech of others. Moderates, for the most part, they will live and let live as libertarians. Groupthink and coerced conformity to the majority's view of thing is repugnant to them.

7. Were intellectuals to find satisfaction, fulfillment and meaning in the world of business, and craft-fabricating, or as deinstitutionalized workers and owners, they would be grounded and sensible--mostly. Those deeply embedded and interwoven in the real world and its practical affairs are much less inclined to seek totalitarian, federal, authoritaran solutions to resolve public policy issues.

8. If Leftist intellectuals could be brought back into ordinary society to play, relax and enjoy themselves, they will be less angry, more grateful, and self-loving, thus disinclined to rule, bind and direct their neighbors.

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