Friday, October 25, 2019

Ronald Reagan

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."

This famous quote from President Reagan is great cultural wisdom expressed so clearly and eloquently by our conservative, modern hero.

We are born corrupt, so we require religious and moral instruction, from birth for every child of every successive generation to obviate the quick and total invasion of barbarism, anarchy and dog-eat-dog law of the jungle street life.

The foremost job, of parents, politicians, educators, intellectuals, clergy and moral leaders from each generation of Americans, must be to prepare babies of the next generation being born, to be raised properly, to become good, kind, lawful, honest, industrious, decent, socialized and civilized community members, as a minimum, acceptable standard of personal, private behavior and the modest, minimum standard of behavior demonstrable by the young as civic-minded members of and contributors to civil society.

At risk of being smeared as a misanthrope, a politically incorrect racist, I advise that the law of the jungle ruling the streets of inner city south Chicago, and many other urban cores, comes about where black youth and other children of color end up the way they are because they have no married, heterosexual mom and dad, no communal or governmental or cultural structures in place to pass on traditional, Christian American values and limits to these unfortunate, needy children.

Lest white, middle class America feel smug, superior and impervious to such ghetto barbarism, if the Left keeps the border open, rids us of the electoral college, and wins back the White House and all of Congress in 2020, then ghetto barbarism will spread across the land and be the norm for all neighborhoods. My Irish forebearers served well in gangs and criminal organizations in New York over 100 years ago. It can happen again.

I would also introduce my Mavellonialist philosophy as a cultural supplement or enrichment to the American Way of Life to give young people from all origins and all backgrounds a way to expend their boundless energy in constructive, innovative and artistic ways, to the benefits of society and themselves.

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