Sunday, October 27, 2019


I am no slouch when it comes to understanding the bitter partisanship that is evinced as Americans quarrel bitterly with one another as the cultural war between conservatives and progressives becomes more bitter as time goes on. It likely will not become a shooting war or open civil war, unless Progressives  come for the guns of the 100 million gun owners, and they may be rash enough to attempt that.

The Founding Fathers warned against bitter factionalism with good reason. They knew only too well what factionalism--religious, ethnic, regional, even nationalism wrought in Europe, and they did not want such to occur here in the brand new constitutional republic that they constructed.

Prager notes, in his remarkable Prager U video on the Trinity  of American values, that these values allowed us to hold together as a people, for the most part, because of e pluribus unum (out of many one), our emphasis on liberty, and in God we trust. 


We may be from many nations, many backgrounds and many different cultures, but our common heritage binds us together. We can be partisan, but we must remain friends with, tolerant of, nonviolent towards, and normally respecting the will of the majority and who they elect to rule us. The Left keeps using every weaponized political, journalistic and legal weapon it can be unseat and overthrow Trump, defying the 2016 vote by 63 million Americans that put him in as President. The hyper-partisanship evinced by the Left is anti-democratic, illegal, unconstitutional and will destroy the Republic, which, I now assume, is their aim, to introduce a single-party, Communist dictatorship, ruling into perpetuity.

As conservatives fight desperately to save the Republic and back off the Left, their defense of their rights and their fighting to save the country may seem hyper-partisan, but the attacking true-believers on the Left give us no choice. Either we fight or surrender, for there is no middle way, no more semi-surrendering our rights and the country incrementally as a failed policy of appeasement employed by RINOS and independents, that have made the Left so strong and emboldened, and the Ameritopian Leviathan so close to being brought to life so it can devour every citizen.

Prager's account of the second value that makes America exceptional is its emphasis on liberty over equality and fraternity. One is born here equally, and is equal to all other citizens under the law, but that is where inequality steps to the fore. Inequality of outcome is desirable, even predictable, if liberty is to be exercised by each private citizen.

 The partisanship of the Left is demanding equality of outcome with all the accompany statist control of business, institutions and private citizens, so confined and directed that their liberty is muzzled, eventually to be snuffed out completely as Marxists take over the federal government.

Their radical, partisan support of equality of outcome, as trumping all other traditional American rights and values, has forced conservatives and moderates to fight back bitterly in a late attempt to stem the tide of Leftism so close to achieving its ultimate goals--setting up Europeanized Ameritopianism as the law of the land here in USA.

In God we trust is that third traditional value that Prager identified in his insightful video. God made the world and established natural law to regulate it. A branch of natural law is moral law to guide human behavior. Under natural law, we enjoy natural rights, granted us by God, and they cannot be deprived or discounted by federal officials, politicians or judges.

Leftists, the hyper-partisans that they are, do not believe in God, do not believe in inalienable rights (pursuit of life, liberty, happiness and property--especially liberty), do not believe that our Constitution is an amazing legal document protecting our inalienable rights.

They regards themselves as educated, credentialed, expert and elite rulers of the masses, and the placing of their professional and specialized authorities in government and in academia will allow this united and cooperative elite to  grow government, enforce equality of outcome, and end individual liberty and personal privacy as the state controls every aspect of American citizenry lives.

 Leftism in America is now a mass movement, and Leftists in the Deep State, in the Democratic Party, as judges, journalists, ministers, actors, entertainers, billionaires, politicians, bureaucrats all speak as one mind, one person, one voice. They truly believe that they are superior and know how to run the lives of all Americans for the better. They believe they are to achieve total power by any means at hand (lie, smear, destroy lives, imprison supporters of Trump (Flynn) due to prosecutorial, excessive overreaching). Their final goal is a Marxist state, a totalitarian monster running every aspect of American lives, a godless, cruel police state where poverty, starvation, disease, crumbling infrastructure, gulags and concentration camps will not be  unusual.

This fanatical dedicated to the cause of Marxism is partisanship at its purest, most evil and most deadly.

 Countering such a vicious, deadly assault on all things American does force conservatives and all Americans to seem or be counter-partisan, but we must just to attempt to survive, save the country, our liberties, our way of life.

Today, (10/27/2019), is the day I choose to respond to an article run yesterday in Drudge Report. The article by Dan Balz of the Washington Post was published on 10/26/2019.

It starts off with a headline that Americans hate all the partisanship, but they are more partisan than they ever were.

Let me respond: the moderates, the independents and the conservatives hate the partisanship, and maybe even some Leftists do, but most Progressives are power-hungry fanatics after total control of all people and all aspects of society, and they seek the total defeat and destruction of all opposition. They relish partisanship as their primary tool and most weapon for gaining supreme power and utter and lasting victory. And their strategy is effective and might well work, even if we are counter-partisans.

 Balz seems fair and accurate in reporting that partisan polarization now runs very deep, and that it is getting worse. Restoring civility, trust and seeking for and finding common ground seems unlikely, maybe impossible.

Animosities run deep, and Americans lament the depth of division and lack of compromise. Again, I mostly blame the Left. Their goal: a Marxist dictatorship is a hellish nightmare that they seek to sell to or force upon the American people. There can be no compromise with promoters of communitarian totalitarianism.

And that they use anger, character assassination, and the threat of government force (Beto as President will use the police to take my AR-15 from me.). They use a bad or wicked means to achieve a bad end and these evil people must be opposed. That is not partisanship from conservatives and Patriots--it is their duty as free and loyal Americans to stand up to tyrants and usurpers, domestic or foreign.

Dan Balz seems fair and scientific in the portrait that he paints of the cultural and political divide between the two Americas.
Trump may be the most polarizing President in our history, but the sheer hatred and visceral dislike of him from Democrats and Progressives is not just about loathing him. He is symbolic, in their poisoned minds, of conservatives and voters that support him almost without qualification.
If the Left can get Trump thrown out of office, keep the borders open, eviscerate the Electoral College, rack up more trillions in national debt, grow government, pass the green new deal, institute universal health care, pass gun control laws so infringing on 2A that it leads to almost or outright gun confiscation and the disarming of civilians, win the House, the Senate and the White House in 2020, then they can and will complete Obama's nightmarish transformation of American into a Marxist dictatorship, then hard tyranny will be the fundamental change that they introduce here.

This is their goal, their only goal, and their partisanship is representative of how they will bring about Ameritopia, and wipe out America as we knew and enjoyed it.

Once and if we restore the constitutional republic and the American Way, once we have a future generation of individuating anarchist, bourgeois supercitizens running the country, then, we can be bipartisan, avoid gridlock and compromise, because a moderated America, on so many levels, is filled with gentle factions and reasonable citizens that are liberal versus conservative, not Leftist versus Nazi or reactionary, threatening extreme solutions imposed by violent or authoritarian Big Government.

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