Sunday, January 26, 2020

Friedrich Hayek

Hayek is credited as the brilliant economist and thinker that introduced to us the concept of spontaneous order. Whether he invented the term or just coined it to identify the spontaneous order that had automatically arisen out of millions of people trading goods and services in a free market economy or not, he certainly described and defined what is was and how it works.

I love the concept that I admittedly do not know much about. A new generation is arising that will be very techno-savvy in a world of intelligent computers and actually smart robots, fellow beings on this planet. For them to prosper as a free people, living in peace and harmony with each other, they require a self-regulating society of individuator anarchist supercitizens to run their own affairs, with but a thin but strong structure of government, local, state and federal, to serve to keep all in working order. This spontaneous order will arise, and the government must stay small and unintrusive for it to function well.

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