Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Past Year Spent On Max Stirner

I spent the past year studying Max Stirner's hyperindividualism, his too individualistic philosophy of subjective individualism, and his extreme epistemological pessimism, his severe nominalism, and his radical rejection of reasoning and the comforting abstractions that we need to make sense of the world, to know how to live, to have a linguistic and ideational means of receiving instruction from God, to establish common ground for communicating and sharing values. His moral and rational nihilism either intentionally or unintentionally have fed the postmodernist madness that will destroy America, destroy Western civilization and end civilization.

My wife and I have two rescue dogs. These sweet, beautiful animals are so happy to have a home, to be loved, to be safe, fed, sheltered and to have a pack to belong too. Children similarly that grow up with no dad, no married parents, to moral training, no God in their lives--these children lead the broken lives of drug addiction, low achievement and juvenile delinquency.

The nightmare world that broken home children and street children reside in is remarkably similar to what rescue puppies. This world of madness, barbarism and where the naked law of the jungle rules--this is the world that Stirner suggests that we need or indeed to live in.

Our happy puppies prove that his assertion is way of base.

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