Monday, May 25, 2020

College Educated

My sister, a moderate conservative, who is very bright but not enthusiastically intellectual, surprised me on the phone a few minutes ago, by criticizing college educated adults from Generation Y and Generation Z, for allowing federal tyranny of the public, a fascist overreaction to suppressing constitutional rights and private liberties in the name of public safety, due to hysterical responding to the dangers of Covid-19.

Her observation is that people without college degrees are more skeptical and doubting of federal proclamations about Covid-19, than are the young, college-educated adults, believing whatever authorities tell them. They are true believers in Leftism, (Government and socialism are good and whatever political leaders and technical experts order the public to do is gospel, to  be unquestioning accepted and obeyed. Suspension of civil liberties and declaration by governors of martial law condition are necessary to deal with this unprecedented health crisis.), and live group-lives. Their fixed ideas, their worship the secular faith of Leftism, their brainwashing as conformist, group-think myrmidons by the institutions of education, have left them groupist, without independent thinking or love of personal thinking and questioning, emotional and fanatical about socialism, and all of its political, economic, ideological and cultural manifestations.

Non-educated American young adults are more individualistic, more rational, more traditional, more dubious of government authorities and their pronouncements, more liberty loving. Thus, my sister concluded that the high-school educated young adults are smarter than the College-educated young adults.

I told her that I did not know that she was bright enough to come to that realization--a mouthy insult if I ever offered one (Sorry, Sister), and she just laughed, for she knew I was kidding.

Ben Dorr from MGR believes that Conservatives and Traditionalists can still win the cultural war in America, and I think we have a chance, though I am less confident than he is.

Dennis Prager the other night warned that this fake emergency under which governors assumed dictatorial powers is but a trial run, conditioning people to set up a permanent dictatorship once a post-Trumpian Kamala Harris Presidency is where a national emergency is declared after the climate change "emergency" is declared as imminent, requiring disarming the populace and setting up martial law to implement their New Green Deal. This is a chilling prophecy, the true aim of the Progressive (postmodernist Marxist Revolution) mass movement now underway to convert America into Venezuela. The college educated adults from Generations Y And Z will lead the way.

Prager's Prager U carries a video by Jordan B Peterson, announcing that "Dangerous People Are Teaching Our Children". It is scary and must be fought.

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