Monday, May 4, 2020

Dennis Prager Video

If you google search Prager U.Com, you can discover his video: Do Good And Evil Exist?

My answer is yes, good and evil exist because God exists and the Devil exists, and good is spiritual, moral and biological power that flow from God, whereas evil is spiritual, immoral and biological power or energy spread by Satan.

Let us examine this wonderful video. Prager asks if good and evil exist. He obviously asserts that they do, as identified as religious values, as Judeo-Christian values.

Secularists deny that good and evil exist, only relativist, secular values.

Dennis raises a question: How do we know that murder is wrong? We don't without existent God, for then there is no objective truth, no moral facts. Among the secular humanists there are only moral opinions.

Dennis leads with the remark that our Judeo-Christian values are predicted on the existence of God, and God and God's moral facts are the source of Western Civilization. His worry is that good and evil will not exist if there is no God.

Dennis agrees that there are many decorous, good atheists while those believers that have done evil in God's name. God will not force believers to do good: they must elect to do so.

Dennis avows that good and evil exist objectively if God exists, and morality is not mere personal opinion. We need moral absolutes but if there were no God, just moral relativism, personal opinion.

Dennis warned that Judeo-Christian values were rejected int he 20th century by Stalin, Mao and Hitler as they murdered 100 million people. With the rejection and loss of religously back moral values, worldly murdering unfolded wholesale.

God and the values that God bestowed on Western peoples led to Western society abolishing slavery, promoting universal human rights, liberty and the emancipation of women.

To reject Judeo-Christian values is to proclaim that there are no moral absolutes. Progressives reject God as the sources of morality, morality is just personal preference, personal opinion.

Dennis challenges the viewer: If you want a good world, the death of Judeo-Christian values shouls frighten you.

I am frightened. I am a moderate, some kind of epistemological fallibilists. God exists, object reality exists, objective truths exist, can be written down in human words for us to use. What I have just asserted, I believe with probable certainty, and that is enough to build a future restoration for Western values, for a rebirth of Age of Enlightenment values. God exist and provides us with moral values to know what is good and what is evil, and then fight for the good and against evil perpetrated by the wicked.

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