Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Levin On Air on 11/4/2020

Levin was complaining last night that there has never  been a media so corrupt as the vicious, fanatical, Leftist, Democratic media.

They not only work to destroy Trump, but to destroy his supporters and the conservative movement.

These media people are proud of themselves, not ashamed of their lying, their favoritism, their utter bias, they smearing, news suppression, brainwashing of gullible readers and viewers.

They are true believers, fanatics, and winning by any means is honorable because it advances their cause: totalitarian Marxism. Leftism is their religion and Big Government is their God. This is a mass movement to take over America, and then take over the whole world, thus plunging all into darkness, slavery, misery, want, suffering, sickness and tyranny.

Unless the reporters, Progressive intellectuals and celebrities that preach Leftism are recognized for what they are--Progressive true believers serving in their mass movement's army, then Americans will not know who they are being attacked by, and how truly serious, deadly and dangerous they are. Once exposed for what they are , the public will know what they are up to and how to defeat them. They are mistaken, mean, vicious and powerful, not to be underestimated or allowed to go unchallenged any longer before it is too late to save America.

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