Saturday, July 4, 2020

Fighting Systemic Racism In America Today

First, of all systemic racism does exist in US, but it is not the practice or outlook of white people. White people have long since abandoned racism, and America is one of the least racist countries in the world. But that is changing or getting worse, and here is how. Systemic racism is the racial, ethnic and cultural institution brought back to life by postmodernists, Marxists, Leftists. Democrats and Progressives. By dividing all individual Americans into identity groups of oppressors and victims, the Left is dividing America. Race-baiting and delimiting each individual to permanent group-brackets forces all Americans to hate themselves and all other people, especial those belonging to rival identity groups. Hatred, racism, extremism, violence and ethnic rivalry arise from group versus group explosive dynamics, and this war-mongering and race-mongering are being drummed up by revolutionaries and America-haters. They plead compassion and sensitivity, but stirring up tribal conflict among Americans is actually cruel, wicked, cunning and successful. They have three aims: to wipe out Western civilization, to overthrow the American Republic with a Marxist dictatorship, to dethrone the sovereignty of the individual, and to blame the victims (whites) as the oppressors to justify whipping up such virulent loathing for us, that, once totalitarian Ameritopia is enthroned here, whites will be hunted down and wiped out, revealed as the victims that they were all along. This is what white privilege really augurs in: we are the new Jews to be exterminated along with actual Jews. We were not the oppressors after 1960, but we are now the target of real Left-wing bigots and they intend to make Hitler look like an amateur.

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