Wednesday, July 22, 2020

First Principle

For Leftists, first principle is that government is good, benevolent and should be quite active in the lives of its citizens, passing laws and regulations and statutes that intrude into every aspect of their public and private lives. My political axiom is that ordered liberty is the optimal social and legal structure to maximize for each citizen the pursuit of life, liberty, happiness and property. A corollary to this axiom is that government is inherently evil and bad, that its in-power and empowered elites, addicted by and corrupted by power and craving ever more of it. It is a political law of physics: the larger the government, the smaller the individual. The more that government on any level amasses power to itself, the less powerful, the less free, and the more limited is the individual's ability to assert his expression of his natural rights in his private life, in a state of ordered liberty. Government is a evil but a necessary evil, that must be kept limited and small. Progressives are way too bold, reckless, fast, thoughtless and eager to pass ever more and more laws restricting personal liberty, until a soft dictatorship is installed here. Government should never have been involved in or have banned smoking in bars, and public buildings. The size and involvement of government in America should be about as involved in public life as was the state in America before Woodrow Wilson erroneously took us down this socialist path.

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