Sunday, July 19, 2020

Star Tribune Propaganda, Sunday (7/19/2020)

The StarTribiune is continuing its Progressive inculcation of how to think, react and vote for its liberal and Leftist readers. People run in packs, and the Strib does not fail to feel them indoctrination articles today to reinforce their Marxist prejudices/ Let us look at the B section for Local/State and Region affairs.

Reporter Jennifer Brooks on Page B1 announces that it is "It is time for Rebel mascots to go away." She is showing her moral courage by going after tame enemies of alleged systemic racism by pointing out that Murray County Central high school in southwestern Minnesota is grappling with eliminating and replacing Rudy the Rebel as racist, insensitive and offensive.

She found some former graduate of that high school, Brett Gaul, a philosophy professor now, who finds it offensive. 96% of the local students are fine with their mascot, but, hey, it needs to go.

On the bottom of Page B1 is the article about "Boogaloo Bois" armed and eager for societal collapse. Reporter Stephen Montemayor writes of fruitcake Michael Solomon ("an adherent of the anti-government Boogaloo Bois movement, who calls himself and 'armed redneck".): (Solomon and other militia members  deployed at businesses during George Floyd riots) "Solomon was there on behalf of the 'Bugaloo Bois', a loose-knit, anti-government extremist movement that advocates armed revolution. Its adherents merge the in-person paramilitary activities of far-right militias with widespread mobilization on such social media platforms as Facebook.

The law enforcement community and FBI are watching them as domestic terrorists, and likely this groups is already infiltrated with federal agents. Solomon and his ilk are willing to shoot the police, and expect to be raided and die in the exchange.

Solomon claims to not be a white supremacist but an anarcho-capitalist instead. They want to accelerate revolution notes J.J.MacNab, a fellow at the George Washington University Program on Extremism. They want disorder and to overthrow the system.

Now Montemayor did not directly link Solomon and this fellow fascistic thugs with such gun rights advocates as MGR but the implication is there.

We are for law and order, and are pro-police, We do not want revolution, civil war, or the Leftist dream of setting up a totalitarian state to come about. We work within the system to preserve the system.  What the StarTribune lies about is that these concerted protests, tearing down of statues, and banning Confederate flags are all a plot to overthrow the constitutional republic, the prosperity, liberty and civil society enjoyed by 330 million Americans.

That postmodernist scheme is revolutionary, actual and extremely dangerous, and the FBI worked with the Obama Administration to bring it about and they have not been sent to jail for their treason.

We have not time nor use for violent extremists of any kind, but the Democratic Party and national media and the clerisy are pushing violent revolution to overturn our system and that is far more dangerous and likely than the pathetic efforts of useful idiots like Michael Solomon.

Another example of the lying, distorting Strib is that they put on B16 an article about two held in a St. Paul homicide, its 18th killing of the year, committed last Wendesday. I do not know for sure that it is black on black violence, but the three young men involved have black-sounding names.

In addition to the Progressive mass movement revolution and cultural war to overthrow our government and society, the other scandal is black on black violence being understated and discounted. Dennis Prager denies that white privilege exists, but advises that what counts is as privilege in America is children--especially black boys and girls--that are reared in a two-parent, heterosexual household with love, support, the right values and faith-based inspiration to enrich and bless the family. That is a privilege that too many black youths are denied, and so they often end up dead, poor or in jail.  That is the fault of their parents, not society.

All the urban, crime-infested hell-holes in America are Leftist/Democratic strongholds and Prager has taught us that the Left destroys all that it touches, and that too is their plot. With their resentment-driven, nihilistic plan to tear down all that is traditionally Western or America (going after Confederate mascots in Murray County, Minnesota. By expanding the chaos, disorder and breakdown to all of America, and now made public policy by public officials, they contribute to overthrowing our great country, much more effectively than the Bugaloo Bois could ever hope to achieve.

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