Sunday, June 20, 2021

My Moral Litmus Test

My moral litmus test, which is grounded in my version of egoist ethics, a self-check especially--but it could be used to measure goodness in others, if one is impartial and truth-loving--will inform oneself whether or not one is a good person. If you cannot tolerate or stand being around those that are brilliant or obvious, advanced, demonstrated ability, if you cannot stomach being seen associated with loners, if you are made uneasy and are repelled by the mere presence of good, kind people, these people that you find offensive are an alarming indication that your moral compass is deficient, that you could be a bad, immoral or even cruel person. Birds of a feather do flock together. Good people hang out with good people, and bad people hang out with bad people. Should you prefer, or even find enjoyment hanging out with total joiners, with blah people that conform, and are mediocre in ability (Mediocre in not developing their talents, not innately mediocre or without gifts.), or even hunger to hang out with blatant sinners--we are all born depraved, but a blatant sinner is one that has, for a life time, freely and consciously chosen overall to live a life of sin and darkness, you are corrupt and lost. Conduct this moral self-check and adjust your lifestyle and choices accordingly. If you are bad, straighten up. If you are good, work harder to sin less and be more loving and more accomplished.

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