Sunday, June 20, 2021

Your Power

Your Mother and Father gave your life, a soul, a brain and an imagination. They also gave you personal power, which you are commanded by the Divine Couple to wield, actualizing your potential as a living angel. You sin if you fail to answer their summons, and work as their faithful servant, to operate, administer, maintain, and if possible expand their reach in this world and all other worlds. You are not allowed to rob others of their power to individuate. You are not allowed to enslave them and steal their power, freedom and independence. You are not to group-live and hide in packs of mediocrities, whose residents live a personal life, a communal life, and a social life of illusion and falsehood domination. You are never to seek guru status, with totalitarians control of your subordinates. You are to have nothing but equals, neither subordinates or superiors. There will always be hierarchies, and those of greater and lesser ability, and those of greater and lesser goodness than oneself, but, when one is maverizing, any differences are not that great or influential. An advanced society of living angels, of supercitizen anarchists, will be the only classless society that is desirable, and that will have ever existed, could exist and be a permanent improvement for people.

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