Sunday, November 21, 2021

Classless Society

Marxists are obsessed with bringing about a classless society in which the oppressors, the wealth, the powerful, the exploiters and privileged are involuntarily forced by powerful government to redistribute their rank, power, wealth and privilege with the oppressed, the dispossessed and the poor, putatively and permanently to eradicate economic and political classes making up the status quo hierarchies. Now, Jordan Peterson has convincingly proved that hierarchies are a naturally occurring social structure, millions of years old, long predating the rise of capitalism and Western countries and cultures. We cannot eliminate hierarchies, even though such efforts were undertaken by and failed at miserably by totalitarian dictators in China, Russia, Cuba and Cambodia, The ruling elites brutally forced a classless society upon their peoples in the name of justice, and they destroyed the economy, and starved, impoverished and murdered tens of millions of citizens. The dictatorship of the proletariat did not wither away, and a new elite of comrades running to Communist Party at the top of the heap, the wholly corrupt and tyrannical hierarchy, bossing the little people in each country so afflicted. I believe that Marxists claim to be against hierarchies, but that they are lying or are willfully blind about their true motives. They push classless society as their reform or revolution for Western societies, to eliminate hierarchies, but they choose huge, bloated, vicious totalitarian government as their vehicle of reform and nothing is more corruptly and tyrannically hierarchical than totalitarian government. Once in power, they turn openly cruel and nihilistic, devouring the very people that they swore to uplift and protect. They claim to want to eliminate hierarchies in Western society, but this is their clever ruse disguising their true aim: to replace competent, relatively democratic, just Western hierarchies with Soviet-style, wholly arbitrary, cruel, tyrannical, corrupt totalitarian hierarchies. Power accumulation for the fervent ideological elite that head their Bolshevik Party is their target, not helping the poor and downtrodden. Hierarchies are natural and here to stay. To ameliorate this reality, let us take a cue from Peterson and make hierarchies as democratic, just, competent and fair as possible. Let us deinstitutionalize society as much as is practical and workable (not wholesale, immediate, drastic changes but gentle, gradual experiments to see where such institutionalization--or to what degree such is feasible--can be practiced, and then studied and modified as need be). Let the people become maverizers, and their very presence at every level of any hierarchy is the most powerful and effective way to prevent any hierarchy from growing corrupt or tyrannical. Allow Americans, in the future, to live as individuator-anarchist supercitizens, running their canons themselves in our constitutional republic. This is a great way to keep hierarchies existent but rather flattened, efficient and not too intrusive upon the individuator expressing his liberty as he sees fit. Finally, if each indviduator self-realizes, creating, learning, thinking, growing better and smarter over time, as he is growing up the personal hierarchy of value, farther along today than he was yesterday. This is how the biological need for hierarchies among humans can be met and satiated. As the supercitizen improves himself and runs society with other individuated supercitizens, he will make this God's country on earth, and then he will be serving somewhere along the great chain of being, a living angel in God heavenly hierarchy extending from heaven down into this world. Society cannot be completely classless, but these reforms should head it in that direction.

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