Sunday, November 21, 2021

Hillsdale College

I am short of time all the time, but I did, 2 years ago, take some online free classes from Hillsdale on the American system of government, and it was very instructive. The professors pointed out that God alone had the wisdom, love and goodness to have all sources of power concentrated in the Perfect Being, without centalized power corrupting God. God alone is the Judge, the Legislator and the Executive Branch. Humans, born sinners, cannot tolerate exposure to too much concentrated power for too long before the temptation to abuse overhwelms their self-restraint and they turn soon enough into violent, corrupt, venal, tyrannical monsters. The Founders of America realized how corruptible and susceptible to power abuse were the citizens, so they offered 3 branches of government, separate but equal, all to prevent the rise of tyrannical government that snatches and confiscates individual liberty, not working to protect individual citizen's rights, liberties and privileges. Angels do not need government, but men are beasts requiring government control. At best, trained, virtuous humans reason angelically but impperfectly at best. So much political wisdom in such a short class.

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