Sunday, December 24, 2023

How We Talk


When you are a groupist or joiner, and you talk to another groupist, one on one, it is less a private, personal interchange between two isolated talkers, than it is the conversation of one groupist conversing with another groupist, so self-identified and publicly characterized.


If you are an individualist or loner, and you talk to another loner, one of one, the talk is more genuine, more original, without being filter through group dynamics, roles played, rank established, and conformity demonstrated to group values and tropes.


If you are a loner and you are conversing with a groupist, one on one, the interchange is not really or only one on one—you are talking to every member of that group for everything that groupist says, does and feels is mediated through the lens of what the group expects him to think and say.


When a joiner talks to a loner, she sees the loner as one groupist would see another joiner, so she really does not understand how he sees the world, or if she does, she will be repelled by his stance on interpersonal relations, and they will conflict.


These are some of the group and individual dynamics and undercurrents coming to the surface of human conversations, flickering through with clarity and pause; it is no wonder that human inter-communication is fraught with confusion, unhappiness, a lack of clarity, misunderstanding and often conflict.

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