Saturday, July 26, 2014

A Chancy Thing

Leaving our borders open and unsecured is a chancy thing. The dangers are several. Terrorists may pour over the border.

Economic refugees will flood our country and wipe out our splendid, remarkable, unique way of life.

Millions of poor people will overwhelm our schools, hospitals, available jobs and welfare programs.

We must secure America, the light of the world. Once we have Obama gone, and the Democrats on the run, we Tea Party-Republicans can shore up America militarily, culturally, constitutionally, fiscally and economically.

By blending our way of life with a tincture of Mavellonialism, we will have a high civilization, superior product to export free to the rest of the world. Once this center of enlightenment is made intact, able to withstand uncivilized, unappreciative invaders, then we could have some modest, limited, legal immigration.

All illegal aliens should be deported, or denies the right to ever become citizens.

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