Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tom McClintock

Until this president shows a sustained determination to enforce the 1986 immigration law, there's no point talking and listening to promises. We need to get serious about securing our borders, defending our sovereignty, and enforcing employer sanctions.

Tom says it best in simple, clear language. Whomever is illegal and not deported should remain a resident alien for life, never, never allowed to become citizens and vote. There must be serious consequences for violating our laws and our sovereignty.

Some sage opined that without a secure border, we do not have a country. If the country, disappears so does the American way of life. That way of life is humanity's best chance to survive and thrive in liberty, good will and peace.

Obama only has one gift learned from Satan, his Master: the gift of destroying and he has wrecked America, perhaps irreversibly. Not bad for a 60s, Alinksy radical handed the keys to the kingdom.

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