Thursday, July 31, 2014

Border Control

Here is my response to some comments on my letter to the editor for StarTribune on 7-29-14 when the replier accused conservatives like me of narcissism, bullying, being hateful, etc.

  Tough love means that we close the borders to save this greatest nation the world has ever seen. Once restored and saved, America again will serve as a beacon of hope and proper living. But the millions from elsewhere need to solve their problems at home along American lines, not export their 100 million people here to sink us, and just delay the day of their own demise.

I am not interested in bullying anyone, but no one should tell us to keep our border open--that is reverse bullying. We let in who and the numbers that we want to and can afford to. All others need to go home, period.

If you do not feel threatened by these lawlessness and invasion from the South, I would like to know what does it take for you to feel alarmed. Libs use the politically correct children accusation to silence the Right behind political correctness. To name-call us hateful, heartless and morally repugnant is insulting, inaccurate, self-righteous and unproductive.

Check my blog site for more solutions: w.w.w.philosophyfromaworkingman,com

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