Saturday, July 26, 2014

Obama's Red Lines

It is humiliating for this powerful nation when Obama sets ups red lines in the sand for Syria and others, and warns them not to step over the line or else. They step over the line, and nothing happens.

This is a teachable moment. When in foreign affairs, or minor personal affairs, character matters. We should not set up red lines for offenders not to cross, unless we have the will, the courage, the determination and means to hammer them with pain and serious punishment sufficient to make them regret crossing us, and wishing that they had not messed with us.

This courageous, sensible way to set up red lines serves as a deterrent for onlooking, potential aggressors and transgressors. The main thing is not to push people into a corner unless it is a moral question or matter of grave national security. But when we do set down a red line, we enforce it.

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