Monday, October 20, 2014

Modern Denial

I am not lachrymose about the modern denial that evil exists in our world today, as it ever did, or that it is a primordial reality, not just a socioeconomic protest by the disenfranchised, or an aberrant, unnatural outcropping on the institutional landscape.

I love, cherish and admire modernism and secularism, despite their shallowness, their misfirings and the overreach of their adherents.

But the old-timers were far more honest. They were closer to nature. They had fewer layers of sophisticated malarkey to cut through to get to the heart of the matter. They believed in good spirits, and evil spirits. They believed that God and Satan were locked in an eternal battle over control of the universe and each human soul.

We should not deny the existence of spiritual beings and spiritual gods and goddesses, both good and evil.

Evil exists. It flows through us like water down an inclined, cut channel. How else can we explain the utter viciousness of ISIS fighters so willing to commit genocide and atrocities in the name of celebrating and extending their version of God's faith?

How else can we explain a serial killer preying on and doing whatever he did to a young woman like Hannah Graham?

How else can we explain that hundreds of affluent, educated, young college students at Keene College convert a harmless pumpkin festival into a violent, drunken riot.? Where booze flows, and people renounce their individuality--in this instance temporarily--to coalesce into a rowdy mob, horrible, criminal behavior breaks out.

Evil is. We are born full of it. We must never forget our spiritual roots, our existential burden. By living apart from others, by living in the truth, by adopting the maverizing value set, by dedicating our lives to God as sober, clean, forthright followers of the Mother and the Father, we can keep evil at bay, and overcome it. Its existence makes possible our gaining wisdom and knowledge through pain, suffering and overcoming it all to enjoy final, spiritual victory with De.

Modern affirmation of God and the right way to live will set us up for winning and triumph.

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