Friday, October 17, 2014

The New York Times Is At It Again

This morning they are implying that the Florida governor race is between the Koch brothers and Tom Steyer. Putatively, the masses gobble their ads' messages credulously. The Times aims that we should restrict billionaire free speech and to restrict general free speech by cutting off the money. They need to keep the government off our free speech and our money.

Actually, any failure in the election is always the fault of the voters. As Rosenberg with the NRA and Zuckerberg with Amnesty have discovered, when the conservative majority makes up its mind, the Leftist billionaire snobs have little actual influence, little bang for the buck.

The Times is seeking to make us believe that ruling class, super-rich puppet-masters of both parties are ordering the voters how to vote through bought media mind control.

In actuality, the people have the power. They always did. They always will. The blame is 96% their fault, and 4% the fault of Kochs and Steyer.

Citizens need to individuate. They need to think smart and independent. They need to be logical. They need to be very informed. They need to be constantly engaged in the political process. They need to be supercitizens,  anarchist individuators that keep government and all institutions, small, decentralized, devolved and ordered around by the little people from the bottom up.

No ruling class exists except by the fault of the ruled and indoctrinated. When each individual fails to assert her power and authority, she cedes it to an oligarchy begging to run and wreck her life. Most reporters, Obama and billionaires are among these power-hungry schmucks.

They cannot hurt you, and they cannot direct you unless you lie down and submit. Grow a back bone and run things yourself. Get smart. Follow Mark Levin and join the Tea party. Read my books. Stay smart. Take over and run it until you die, and, if things are well appointed, then the next generation of supercitizens take over.

Reporters, billionaires, politicians, generals, professors and pundits are all liars and manipulators. Kick them out. Allow them opinions but no power. This is why the Times is mistaken, and this is why the billionaires are pompous fluff.

If you are a political slave in our constitutional republic, or if you enjoy being bossed around, then accept your miserable state. It is all your fault. It always was. If you want to do something about, write me:

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