Saturday, April 25, 2015

Hilary The Secularist

4-14-2015: Hilary, according to Doug Giles in Clash Daily, wants churches to renounce their opposition to abortion. To quote here:''And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to change.'

Well, Hilary, I am conflicted here. As a conservative Unitarian-Universalist and an ethical moderate, I will concede that abortion, legal and rare, is probably okay. I concede that an element of secularism, especially separation of church and state, is healthy for society, preventing any atheist government, or state religion government from forcing their will on believers, unbelievers, and other-believers.

Hilary, you go to far. Followers of the Bible like Christians and Mavellonialists, believe that God really does not like abortion very much, or at all, and there is a soul in the fetus from the moment of conception. I will concede that the adult soul of the mother takes moral and divine precedence over the needs of the soul of the fetus, but it will not do to allow late-term abortions, or abortions on demand as the only way to do birth control. Legal, safe and rare are what we should aim for.

Our religious faiths are our deep-seated cultural codes and these religious beliefs and the worshipping of the divinities are what keep us safe and protected by them as a reward for our piety, worship and devotion.

To abandon our religious traditions is to abandon God. To abandon God, with whatever minor subjective, relativist, structural biases are built into traditional religions, in favor of liberalism, the new secular religious faith--according to Prager--is to embrace a worldly, ideological faith, whose extremist high priestess, Hilary, demands that we worship Liberalism, with all its radical, destructive, valueless structural codes, Marxist religious belief, and progressive biases need to be scaled back.

What backers of Liberalism fail to acknowledge is that God exists, and He and She demand that we love, honor, obey and worship them. This is not an option. This is not a command that a defiant no will sufice to prevent heavenly fire from being poured down upon heads.

In light of these realities, to ignore God--not worshipping through one of the good faiths, and there are several quite acceptable to God, including moderate Islam--is to ally with enemies of God, Satan and Lera.

This is where Hilary is leading progressives and feminists too.

We can have feminism and femininity, a mother, a homemaker, a career-woman and an artist, all rolled into one, via Mavellonialism or modern Christianity.

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