Thursday, April 23, 2015

Mark: A Potential Convert

I do not agree with everything that Mark Levin writes and says, but I agree with 90% of it. I wish he was more polite to guests, but this good and thoughtful conservative guru is a diamond in the rough.

He understands that group behavior leads to uniformity and conformity. He is on the edge of stating or championing the reality that liberty, constitutionally guaranteed and protected to keep tyrants and big government off of the individual's case, is the natural state for the developing individual as faith, the sodality, the neighbors and the free market economy all converge to provide the optimum setting for self-actualizing to flourish.

Levin probably does not know I exist, but he may be a potential convert to Mavellonialism and espousing individuation.

All the Left has to offer is tired progressivism, nationalizing private lives, private wealth, private lives and personal choice.

They divide Americans into identity groups, and then use enforcement of enacted government discrimination laws to rob all of what power and say that they still enjoy.

As Levin points out, we are all Americans first and foremost.

We need to evolve in our ethics and behavior, shedding group-living for individual-living.

The only real protection for any protected class--even unprotected but most in need of protecting, that ultimate minority, the individual--is through political lives led as individuators, and supercitizens, free and operating as she sees fit, under the shield of lawful anarchism in a constitutional republic.

The only real brotherhood that is loving, impartial, genuine, sharing and cooperative is a collection of enlightened individuals.

Group-livers grow stratified classes, grow tyranny, grow elites, ineqaulity in power and wealth. They grow the state, which is devil-worship.

Group-livers are selfish, ruthless, dog-eat-dog as the jungle beasts that they have been reduced to living as.

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