Monday, April 20, 2015


The Left never sleeps. It is cunning, devious, fanatical and relentless in morphing to keep advancing its progressive agenda to install a totalitarian, socialist dictatorship over a free, tolerant, happy, prosperous American.

I copied a 4-18-2015 Breitbart article off the Internet by one William M Briggs.  He is a smart, hero warning us about the latest attack on America from the Left.

He dismisses the global warming hoax as defeated, disbelieved and losing support because the facts show the earth cooling, not warming.

The Left pushed for government-control and regulation of the economy and all private American lives (look at California where desalinized water could alleviate their thirst, and keep state government out of everyone's daily showers) as the way to prevent global warming. The real aim was to nationalize our economies and lives, and end individual freedom and private life as the way forward.

With global warming defeated, what is the replacement secular religion that the Left is touting to spread progressivism to every corner of society: sustainability.

Sustainability is not real and not testable so it can never be tested. Therefore, the ecoterrorists touting it can do anything through the EPA that they so scheme to, and can tax us all to death in the name of an irrefutable, intangible, untestable goal--sustainability.

As Prager warned years ago, the universities are citadels for the Left brainwashing our young people, Kids being groupist, mentally lazy, basically evil, basically cowardly, basically conformist, basically antiintellectual absorb and believer what their academic bosses and professors instill in them.

Sustainability is the new mask for spreading progressivism to its farthest reaches attainable. We conservatives must be on guard against this.

We must educated the young. We must reject sustainability. We must teach the young to self-realize. Those that think so much for themselves will not be herded or brainwashed.

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