Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I Am Called A Coward

I unfriended one liberal nut job, and she wrote to call me a coward, over this gay marriage controversy.

Here is is what I wrote her, but I will leave her name out:

I am no coward. I invite you to rant and be stupid ad nauseum, but do so on my blog site. I would rather fight on the battle field of my choosing, not yours. You are not very bright or very moral, but you are passionate and mouthy. Please write and disagree respectfully on my blogsite: www.philosophyfromaw­orkingman.com. Read up on Mavellonialism. As dreary as it is listening to you verbally bully, lie, attack and scream shrilly, a few nuggets of insight are gleaned from the painful interchange. I could still learn something from you, and you and your liberal buddies can learn a lot from me if you quit being groupist and be rational for a bit. Come visit me if you dare and wish to learn. You are always welcome. Please try to be civil--it would be a nice change.

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