Thursday, August 27, 2015

Gender Roles

A conservative, evangelical pastor or radio host cuffed gender relativists with a reality check: she noted that God made girls to grow into feminine women and mothers. God created for boys to grow up and be masculine men and fathers. They are to marry, be monogamous and procreate. This social norm is how God's kingdom on earth will be best configured.

Right on: if those few that are so gay and so transgender that they need to go their own way, okay. They are God's children, and God loves them too.

For the vast majority that have transgender or gay leanings, or are heterosexual but sexually kinky, straighten up and fly right. If you are a man, be a God-fearing, God-worshiping man that marries and procreates. If you remain single, no gay or kinky sex. Straight sex is probably okay if chastity and 40 year old virginity is not an option.

If you are a woman, maverize and be a feminist while remaining heterosexual, one that marries and procreates. Be God-fearing and God-loving. No kinky or gay sex for you. Having sex with a straight boy friend is probably acceptable.

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