Thursday, August 6, 2015

Go Armed

Neither the Father or the Mother are nonviolent--nor are the Good Spirits. Not unlike the High Elves battling Sauron and the Orcs, the forces of good must be skilled warriors willing to kill in holy war to keep the vicious, cruel, inhumane, fanatical forces of darkness at bay, and from overrunning the world.

The war of good versus evil is eternal.

Our duty as indivdiuator-anarchists is to go as everywhere as individuals and as militia members as armed soldiers of God, ever willing and able to sacrifice ourselves for the homeland should we be called to serve and defend.

To protect the natural rights of each supercitizen to live in absolute liberty to pursue happiness and to serve the Good Spirits in a manner that he finds fitting and attractive, it is the obligation of each citizen, a supercitizen, to arm himself to be ready, willing and able always to fend off tyranny in all its forms.

Most of the defense against liberty can be conducted nonviolently, but repelling tyrannical, imperialistic, tyrannical interlopers with force may occasionally be required.

God has charged each citizen with the duty to serve for  a lifetime in God's army. He commands each to repel the forces of tyranny the first time, every time, lest they get a foothold in a free society.

The Second Amendment guarantees our natural right to go armed to fight tyranny personally, and to check government overreach and aggression.

The supercitizen will allow none to be enslaved, including himself. He also warns fellow citizens and himself that they must enslave none.

With this in mind, we must scorn and repudiate any attempt by the Left to restrict gun rights.

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