Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Greatest Sin

Father Juan José Gallego, the exorcist for the archdiocese of Barcelona, Spain describes pride as the greatest human sin.

We need to define our terms. The pride that is vanity and loving illusions and poor choices is the pride that is false and it grows out of selflessness (the negative kind) and rebellion against God and love.

True pride is positive self-love and positive selflessness, and this pride will not allow one to hate, hurt the self or others or compete with defy or rebel against God.

This true pride is a prudence and caution built into the judgement of the maverizer, He knows that he does not know everything, and never will. He is ambitious to grow and learn, and is very willing to accept God's permanent intellectual superiority, and asks lots of question, and listens well so that De may instruct him.

None of this has anything to do with the false pride that Satan feeds on.

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