Saturday, August 22, 2015

Something To Hide

All of us have something to hide, but that fact is irrelevant and as far as the public's lack of a right to know what the secret of each is. It is okay that each has her secret to hide, and so it should remain, until Judgement Day when all are assembled before God and nothing is any longer hidden from common knowledge anymore.

What we are alluding to here is the fact that unless that revealed secret depicts the hider as a child molester, serial killer, or a Nazi that has murdered thousands, the secret must be kept and not revealed unless the owner of it chooses to reveal it voluntarily.

The personal right to privacy is a natural right granted by God because that private domain is the psychic reserve of the private person that is self-realizing, and nothing must invade that secret domain.

There will be no individualism, no individuating and no liberty without privacy maintained and secrets kept.

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