Thursday, November 24, 2016

Dear Sister

Dear Sister,

You asked me why I was incompatible with so many employers, with a 30 year history of frequently changing jobs, of a tendency to quarrel with bosses, and then be fired, or far more often, resign in frustration and move on. Below, I will attempt to provide a justification for my employment history, in light of my philosophy, and how I believe that people are hard-wired naturally and socially.

When someone comes to you with a dispute, the objective listener automatically
assigns blame and responsibility to both parties in the dispute, because blame and responsibility for the dispute usually are shared by both combatants. Rarely is one party the sole aggressor and cause of the dispute, while the other party is an innocent lamb, strictly reacting  defensively against a most unreasonable aggressor. It happens but not often.

More typically, the fault  must be proportionately assigned to both parties of the dispute, with five options:

One: the first party is more to blame while the second party is less to blame.
Two:  the second party is more to blame, while the first party is less to blame.
Three: both parties are equally to blame.
Four: the first party is 90% the instigator.
Five: the second party is 90% the instigator.

Generally speaking, I would characterize my employment disputes as 75% the fault of my many employers, and 25% my fault. Option One is the option that best characterizes my work history.

My belief is that people are evil from birth. Their salvation and hope is that God bestows De’s grace upon these fallen sinners—if they will to let De in-- and that they, in their souls, have enough residual potential for goodness that, with proper upbringing, the will to do good, and to move into the light and know love and spread love, can become and be good, lead decent lives, and find their way to heaven after death.

I believe that Satan and his wife, Lera, rule this world, but that the day will come when the good deities, the Father and the Mother (a bit like Zeus and Hera) will triumph, and restore goodness and holiness to earth. It may or may not be the Day of Anger and Reckoning, or the end of the world, but such a time is coming, and none of us know the day or the hour.

I believe that Satan, Lera and their angels of darkness, the Evil Spirits, run in packs, and are herd creatures. They have no individuality, no self-esteem, no enlightened self-interest. Indeed, they are quite selfless, and selfish, and that bottomless swamp of self-loathing provides them with an endless, insatiable desire to hurt, to hate, to victimize and to destroy.

I believe that the Father, the Mother, and their angles of light, the Good Spirits,  are highly self-actualized individualists and individuators. They work together and a military unit, and are organized to extend and defend the boundaries of their existing realm. Their enlightened self-interest, their self-esteem and their love of the self fills them with love for the self, for others, and for all creatures and beings through out the universe. Their deep sense of living and being love makes them so contented, to tranquil, so at peace that they create, love, build, work, assist, liberate and extend the domain of justice and equal treatment to all that they come into contact with.

How do all these theological and metaphysical features and beings influence the work place?
My contention is that Satan and Lera rule the world. They are group creatures, herd creatures, so they take advantage of people's innate, powerful need to conform, be liked, to fit in, to belong, to be one of the gang, to be willing to pay any price to remain popular and part of the in-crowd. Most people as natural, depraved sinners are not awake very much. Their free will is not operating because they are barely conscious. They live their lives in groups, and believe the group lies and illusions.

Most people lead mediocre lies of quiet desperation. They are low-information voters pushed around by corrupt politicians, and denied their unalienable rights granted by God by bureaucrats, the vastly powerful, centralized State, and by the dictator or Imperial President depriving them of property, liberty and say.

Institutional Man is a slave, ensnared by the hierarchy that he is a part of, on rung 33 of the ladder. The corporation that he works for, the church that he belongs to (The Pope rules the bishop who rules the local priest who tells the parishioners how to live and believe.)
The social unit that he enjoys and spends his life seeking to please and gain rank in is one that has its social pecking order.

The family of his birth is another clique, with favoritism assigned based on conformity to parental and group expectations, and disfavoritism rooted in the degree to which a less favored child nonconformist and goes her own way as an individualist and independent operator.

The work place is another clique which is hierarchical too. Those that conform more and are naturally or meritoriously joiners, are the ones that fit in, get the best material and emotional reinforcement.

Those that are individualists by nature, like I am, are permanent, unalterable misfits in this employment environment that favors joiners, and discriminates against individuates and loners.

I am too sensitive to criticism. I can be mouthy, arrogant, rebellious, aggressive and lack tact. I also have some undiagnosed learning disability that exacerbates my oddness and increases my unpopularity. My ENTJ personality also gets me in a lot of trouble. But if this were a good world, and places of employment were promoting individuates and individualism, I would fit in and be promoted, and work at the same job for 20 years.

For years I have called for protected class status at work for individuators, but no one is listening.

This is my long-winded explanation as to why I have failed to stay at any one job very long in the last 40 years.

Let me know what you think. Your written feedback is welcome.

Love, Ed

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