Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Eric The RINO

Paulsen is quoted this week in the local paper as pleased to be reelected.

He goes on to demonstrate his bland, twisting, slippery stances by noting that people vote for the man not the party.

Now, that may be so, but the supercitizenized citizens and voters that I envision are principled and would vote for the party, rarely for the man. Make the party platform strong, clear, principled and consistent. Only endorse, nominate, primary support and general election vote for honest candidates that will follow the party platform closely, consistently and predictably.

The party platform is what matters. The man or woman candidate is relatively irrelevant. Their job is to obey the people, and push the selected platform, period, not take bribes, betray their promises, or become a Washintonian insider.

Eric the Bland stands for nothing and champions nothing but sheer survival and being where the power and money is.

By the way, I voted for him as the lesser of two evils.

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