Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Evolving Theology

Today I was driving home from the lake, and wondered if my apostasy to Christianity in general, and Roman Catholicism in particular, could lead me to burn in hell.

Say Jesus is correct, and turning away from the faith as an unbeliever or an other -believer are tickets to hell, without parole or mercy. One never knows for sure.

I believe that I am a good man, and will get to heaven after serving my sentence in Purgatory.

A literal reading of the Bible would lead one to reject Mavellonialism, moderation, individual, rational religion and our form of spiritual goodness.

I believer that the errors in the Bible regarding its absolutist stances, its groupism, its fanaticism and its incomplete theology are the result of the barbaric, groupist mentality of the people 2,000 years ago, so that was all the spiritual and theological enlightenment that they could receive and not go crazy and unhinged.

Yahweh, Allah, Buddha, Jesus and the Hindu prophets and Lao Tze would not send us later prophets to hell for providing evolved theology to the people now, now that they are so much closer to goodness, liberty and enlightenment.

f they choose to worship these traditional divinities, Fine. If they choose to go Mavellonialist, or to be blend it with Christianity and other faiths, that is fine too.

All these good deities cooperate and support each other. They will tolerate no religious war between their followers, and nor will they condemn other-believers like me to hell for our "heresy". This is what I believe.

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