Monday, January 2, 2017

Go For It

I have a lot of faults, but I am not ordinarily a jealous, petty person. I have led an extremely privileged, blessed life in being selected by the Good Spirits to serve as a spokesperson for the Mavellonialist faith.

I complain about things, and am often gloomy, but, deep down, I know, really understand, how fortunate I am.

If one has a close, personal relationship with God, it does not get any better than that.

So, because I have been blessed and loved by the Good Spirits, I have the confidence and know-how to maverize: once one commences maverizng, then one clearly envisions how group-living holds back the captured, suppressed, underperforming masses.

When anyone of them dares to put her head up, and begins to do something with her life, even leaving the group for a little bit, to a certain degree, over a period of time, I am not jealous of her success, but am proud of her--urging her to go on and on as far as her will, energy, ability and life time allotted will allow her to achieve.

I have no desire to hold back this other person. I am proud of her, and wish for her to go for it.

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