Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Grandparents

I had a nice white set of grandparents on the shuttle from St. Peter, Minnesota. They were going on vacation. They were telling me about their grandchildren, age appropriate, singing for the public at the Christmas party a couple of weeks ago.

When the 7th and 8th graders came on stage, most of the kids were acting up, goofing off, posturing and acting discourteous. The atrocious behavior by this junior high Christmas choir was an embarrassment for the choir director, for the school and shamed the parents, neighbors and friends in the audience that witnesses this debacle.

The grandparents were angered and disgusted by this faulty behavior. They were surprised and amazed that the other people exiting the program were openly upset and furious at the misbehaving children.

My response to them was that if we have lost the school system in St. Peter, Minnesota, out of control, then we have lost public education through out the nation. I announced that I was fearful for the future of our grandchildren.

Where liberalism, disrespect for authority and an adult audience, so contemptibly disrespected by raw youths,, and groupism has led to such outrageous public misbehavior, it is time to hand out vouchers like candy to parents needing to yank their children out of the corrupted public school system. The private schools need to be filled to capacity, and right now.

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