Monday, May 1, 2017

Outsider Philosophy

I was looking at an article on the Internet about Eric Hoffer-it may have been Wikipedia--and the writer noted that just as folk/amateur/autodidact artists are a category in the art world referred to as art outsiders, so Hoffer is self-taught and thought up and wrote outsider philosophy.

Ever and anon, the experts get it right, and this time they did. Hoffer is a genius and a fascinating, original thinker and ponderer.  I have long realized that his conscious determination to remain a loner and outsider was the heavy, bitter, lonely price that he was willing to pay so that he could dedicate his life to his philosophy. He worked hard to remain a loner.

This practice of his is the route that all budding individuator's must travel along. Unless the liberated, and alive, thinking maverizer is able to fend off all group-entanglements, plots and attacks to immerse him back into nonindividuation and mediocre, pampered, shacked living, he will group-live again, and walk among the living-dead once. The zombies will have pulled him down and back in, lest his outsider creativity illustrate for a bewildered, lost, frightened, misinformed  humanity, the way forward.

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