Friday, May 19, 2017

The Attack

Levin noted that the fake news per day attack narrative against Trump is really an attack on the American people that put him into office.

Tump is brash, outspoken and impolitic. They are trying to impeach or so smear him, that none of his agenda gets enacted, and the Dems can retake the House in 2018.

We waste precious time on nothing and our great conservative program is not being implemented. The Libs are without ideas and without honor, but their cunning ability to smear and demonize impresses about 50% of the low-information, duped voters, that desperately seek to be wards of the State, to be pampered and run by their socialist overlords and overladies.

And the RINO Congress sits on their hands and do nothing, and lift not a finger to rally around TRump. Because Trump is a liberal, and a moderate in that unflattering way, he does not excite the Tea Party base, or catapult us out of and beyond the Washington media sharks.

Meanwhile, the country is sagging, growing weaker and dying day by day.

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