Wednesday, May 17, 2017

You Are Loved

That was a Christian billboard along Highway 10 on the way back from the lake last weekend. Totally true: God and the Good Spirits love you unconditionally, even when you slight and neglect them, even when you declare your willing, enthusiastic allegiance to Lera, even when you turn your back on them, even when you must be damned to hell for 10,000 years. God and the Good Spirits still love you, but you must pay for your crimes and sins. Divine justice calls out, , and justice must be meted out and sentences served--by all of us, none of us will escape--in the afterlife--escape being tried, forced to admit our guilt, and forced to face our doom, however great or small our earned, deserved penalty will be.

Nonetheless, you are loved by Jesus, by God and the Good Spirits. So, why do you not just love yourself and others, and be kind and courteous to all. Then your lovability quotient will skyrocket, and your time served at your personal Judgment Day will not be heavy, burdensome or long.

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