Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Kept Back

Liberal thinkers and altruists defamed and discredited Rand's egoist ethics some 40 years ago, dismissing her theory about the virtue of selfishness as juvenile, a philosophy appealing to the young until they grow up, and leave her callow ethics behind.

Actually, the ancient, traditional, altruistic systems of ethics that are shallow, delimiting. These systems detain people and keep them poor, suffering and ensnared.

It is egoism that is the loving, empowering, enlightening, modern, liberating, progressive system of ethics. It helps each person grow up, and begin to maverize and actualize her talents, and that is a very mature and difficult initial choice to make.

Ayn Rand is making a come back, and she is solidly accepted by millions of conservatives and libertarians.

This is heartwarming for me as a next-generation egoist. If she goes mainstream, that brings me closer to being accepted by a wary, indifferent, hostile public.

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