Thursday, October 5, 2017

StephenPaddock, I May Have Been Able To Help Thee

I may have been able to help him. That he planned so carefully, and was so technically proficient, made millions and manipulated the casinos for profit is revealing. This man was a loner and a recluse, and, whether or not he was radicalized by antifa, or ISIS or nobody, that he was a bright, talented loner made him a prime candidate for being an individuator. Where that kind of talent, individualism and ability is not used to love, build and create, that twisted, dark soul is capable of vicious destruction, murder, bottomless hatred and tearing the world apart, as he did.

With Mavellonialist training, he may have come to know God, to love, to create. Las Vegas did not have to happen.

That he planned this for months indicates to me that this man was utterly cut off from everyone and everything, keeping all his dark secrets to himself, like a serial killer does.

For joiners, it is almost impossible to know what it feels like to be that far out, that isolated, that totally removed from human warmth and companionship. I do know because I have lived that emptiness, sheer loneliness and extreme encounter with Nothingness up close and personal for over 60 years.  That someone like Paddock, without proper training to handle such traumatic encounter with aloneness, Being and apartness, it is little wonder that the uninitiated, great nonindividuator turns to mass murder, suicide or madness to cope with the horror of encountering raw Being and naked Nothingness without the illusions of comfort, warmth and human closeness to repel the awesome and awful truth of incoming Reality.

For the wicked, stupid, emotional Left that wants to ban guns, the key is inviting these loners into groups everywhere around the world all the time, and then emotional desperation will much more infrequently propel them to attack uncaring and oblivious humanity, innocent and weighed down by collective guilt and collective neglect, all at the same time.

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