Thursday, November 23, 2017

Muslim Tendencies

One of my intellectual strengths (Or is it just imaginative, unsubstantiated speculation? I assume that I am insightful but cannot demonstrate or prove it to be so.) is my ability to extrapolate intuitively from a single, basic solid fact or truth. Let me apply this knack of mine.

Far too many Muslims around the world are not reformed, not modernized, not demilitarized, not rejecting holy war, not allowing Christians and Jews to build churches and synagogues in their cities, nor moderated.

The more extreme Muslims (some are whole nations like Iran) are violent, intolerant, totalitarian and at permanent war with all unbelievers and non-believers. They work tirelessly, endlessly to take over the world under a caliphate, run by a universal monarch, their sultan. He will enforce strict, fundamentalist shariah law in all his conquered lands, and human rights, unalienable rights, constitutional republicanism, socialist democracy, individual liberty and the Bill of Rights be damned.

This is true. From that I wish to generalize that Islam could not be so either fanatical and violent or allowing of a fanatical or violent minority to run things without majority criticism and official governmental opposition, unless the group-living there was of a very special, dangerous kind.

Recall, that I have described the luke-warm, modestly individualist and modestly individuating American group-livers and middle class people as cold peace, secretive evildoers attacking and conniving against individual-livers and great-souls in their midst. Their war on the mavericks and maverizers in their midst is a relatively benign affair because in our system, the love of individualism and the Bill of Rights still allow individualists, capitalists and maverizer legal protection to do their own thing. In light of that, the hypocritical, seething loathers of theirs, the middle class joiners, must keep the peace and cannot outright attack and destroy these recusants that they war against each day, every day right up to the hour of death for each group-liver. They plan to be in heaven after death, but have spent enormous time, money, effort and mental power seeking to undercut and shut up God's prophets on earth.

Let us now review the Muslim group-livers in any community anywhere in the world.  Remember, this is my generalization. There are many find, kind, gentle, tolerant Muslims that are maverizers or civilized people. We need them to get power and speak out to Mavellonialize their societies and their Muslim faith.

The most radical group-livers in Muslim communities are permanently radicalized like a religious mass movement and these people are in a hot war with any religious dissident internal to their nation or community or outside of their community and nation. Their hot war against all to bring shariah law and the universal caliphate to the entire world is openly expressed and admitted to--they believe they are righteous and going to heaven for doing the bidding of the Evil Spirits, and working to install Lera's one-world government upon the entire world.

An intermediate--but too readily radicalized or willing to tolerate those in their community or elsewhere in the world that are working for world conquest and world war to gain their ends--but more moderate, secular, worldly, civilized series of group-living batches of quiet, peaceful Muslims live in America, Canada, Kurdistan, Morocco or Jordan. These people are still very emotional and very fanatical, but they are open about it, and, in desperate times, become full-blown, radicalized group-livers that turn their entire region or country into a mass movement as fired up as ISIS. This is that special, intermediate kind of group-livers that are so dangerous because they revert to extremism so easily, so readily.

The solution is to induct these rather civilized, moderate Muslim groups with Westernized, Mavellonialized training so that they can become more civilized and more Americanized like the mildly groupist group-livers inhabiting America right now.

The ISIS-level radicalized group-livers in Muslim communities and Muslim nations must be decisively defeated by Western armies and then their countries held and rebuilt as the communities of the intermediate kind of Jordan-style group-livers that are mildly tolerant and are mildly civilized are inaugurated.

Meanwhile, back in America, we Mavellonialist conservatives will work to make our gentle-group-livers evolve into maverizers. Then this and the restored American greatness, the restored American constitutional republic and the fully fleshed out culture (the American Way) may be exported to Europe, Asia Africa and South America for the world to admire and absorb and blend with their native cultures and languages.

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