Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Code Of Silence

Many or most joiners and groupists may not like individualists and individuators in their midst but they will not actively hunt them. They will exclude them and enforce social low pecking order rank upon them, but they will not actively attack them.

Their crimes against individuators are more ones of omission than commission. They allow the wicked minority of group bullies and leaders to attack and abuse the disenfranchised individuators.

The majority of rather decent joiners abide by and reinforce a code of silence set up by the corrupt and cruel minority running things, silent about how unjustly individuators are treated in social circles by these vicious bullies and group leaders.

Where evil is rife and widespread, the majority must speak up, name names, identify the perpetrators and victims, and call for them to be removed from power, demoted in rank and popularity and perhaps expelled from the group. Then the majority must allow individual-living blended with group-living in their group so that individuators may come to know companionship, comfort and acceptance without selling their different and differing souls.

With these reforms, the code of silent will be ended, and all will be free and accepted.

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