Sunday, May 27, 2018

Islam To Be Scrutinized

There is a war of cultures between the Left and Right in the West, and we conservatives are striving mightily to win that war.

There is also conflict between the culture and value of Islam and the culture and values of the West. I am no expert on the Koran, but those that have read it tell me that there are sacred text sanctioning holy war, and death to apostates, gays, unbelievers and critics, to be killed for being "blasphemers and heretics".

God is moderate. God is love. God is a God of peace. God does not condone or invite vile insults and atheistic slights, but God allows them. Those spouting such filth have free will, and must be allowed free speech and freedom of worship. Fanaticism, holy war and violent suppression of critics must not be allowed.

There are many peaceful and moderate Muslims, but there is no critical mass, no loud, dominant majority calling for modernization, moderation and demilitarization of Islam that would bring it into alighnment with Western culture and values. That is the transition that Islam must make.

My Mavellonialist philosophy of moderation is the coming faith, so one day the majority of Muslims will adopt my religion, blending it with their own, and then the transformation of Islam into a faith where the majority are harmless, peaceful and moderate, will come about.

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